Military Factions

Each of the main races has their own military faction that you can join and gain ranks with. Some of these military are also connected to various plots.

You can only be a member of one military at a time, and leaving will lose your rank, so you have to start over.


Recruitment involves finding the military recruiter and doing a simple mission (usually a border patrol).

You can only be a member of one military at a time.

RaceWhereCostCombat RankNotoriety
ArgonMilitary Outpost (Elena’s Fortune Alpha)30,000Veteran (10)Trusted Ally (6)
TerranSaturn (Orbital Defence Station)40,000Veteran (10)Servant of Terra (6)


  1. Enlistee
  2. Private
  3. Lance Corporal
  4. Corporal
  5. Sergeant
  6. Staff Sergeant
  7. Lieutenant
  8. Captain
  9. Major
  10. Colonel


Once joined, you will find various missions available from the Military Outposts of the Faction. These missions will reward you with experience to move up the ranks in the Military. Unlocking more and harder missions.

  • Sector Patrol: Standard patrol mission for a single sector
  • Military Patrol: Join up with a patrol leader and patrol a number of sectors


You can only be a member of 1 military at a time. If you wish to join another, you must first resign. You can find the Military Representative at Military Outposts where you will find the option to resign. Once resigned, you can then do the recruit mission for your next race.

When re-enlisting, you will start back at the bottom rank again (Enlistee).

Select the option to resign

Finally, confirm your resignation


Some of the race militaries are connected to the plots. You need to be a member and at the correct rank to unlock them. If you resign, then you will need to re-enlist and get back to the correct rank before you can continue the plots.

Beryll IncursionArgon
Terran Lost ColoniesTerran