Luxury Items

There has been a number of luxury items added to the game. You can view these in their own section in the encyclopaedia.

Luxury items are largely used by the planets to maintain, or increase their prosperity levels

Luxury ItemDescriptionPriceVolumeTCResources
ClothingTypically, clothing is made of fabrics or textiles, but over time it has included garments made from animal skin and other thin sheets of materials and natural products found in the environment, put together.2,5563SCloth Rimes
Fine WineA fine wine is a wine that comes form a specific, identifiable place and has a long-standing reputation for high quality. A fine wine has a lovely colour, an attractive bouquet, and balance, flavour, and smoothness. A fine wine should offer intellectual and sensual rewards. Fine wines are an sought after luxury item on many planets.2444MFruits
Holographic ProjectorsHolographic Projectors are an entertainment product used to create realistic holograms for use in various types of media, like video games and films.6,7403MMicrochips
Computer Components
JewelleryObjects designed for the adornment of the body are called jewellery. While more modern jewellery is made of gold, silver, or platinum, often with precious or semiprecious stones, it evolved from shells, animal teeth, and other items used as body decoration in prehistoric times. The main type of Jewellery found currently are made from Diamonds.6,1762MDiamonds
Metal Alloys
Luxury FoodstuffsMany planets produce they own Luxury Foodstuffs that are coveted by connoisseurs all over the universe. They are packed into refrigerated boxes and shipped quickly to their destination. Because of the cost and short shelf-life these foodstuffs are usually only used at important functions.2806MMeatsteak Cahoona
Herbs & Spices
MedicationsMedications (also called medicament, medicine, pharmaceutical drug, medicinal drug or simply drug) is a set of drugs used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent diseases. These are commonly produced on planets then exported to the rest of the galaxy.2,4442S
Motion SimulatorsMotion simulators are devices designed to replicate the sensation of movement and provide a more immersive experience for users. Typically used in entertainment, training, and simulation applications, motion simulators can mimic the movements experienced in various environments such as driving, flying, or even space travel. These systems often include a combination of mechanical components, visual displays, and audio effects to create a realistic and engaging simulation.25,88430XLMicrochips
Computer Components
Metal Alloys
NarcoticsNarcotics are used widely within the pirate community. These drugs alter the person’s perceptions and brain functions. Unfortunately these effects cannot be controlled and the narcotics can usually result in unwanted side effects and in some cases death.3642SPriest Petals
PaintingsPaintings are visual artworks created through the application of pigment onto a surface, often a cloth canvas. Artists use various techniques and styles to convey their ideas, emotions, or observations, making paintings one of the most diverse forms of artistic expression. The medium of painting allows for a broad range of styles, from realistic depictions to abstract interpretations, and it encompasses various genres such as portraiture, landscape, still life, and abstract art.3,3126MCloth Rimes
Personal ComputerA personal computer (PC) is a multi-purpose microcomputer whose size, capabilities, and price make it feasible for individual use. Personal computers are intended to be operated directly by an end user, rather than by a computer expert or technician. Unlike large, costly minicomputers and mainframes, time-sharing by many people at the same time is not used with personal computers.7,8328LPlastics
Computer Components
Previous MetalsPrecious Metals are an uncommon metal processed from raw Nividium ore, this metal is highly sought after and is often in large demand as luxury items on local planets.16,1284XLNividium
SculpturesSculpture, an artistic form in which hard or plastic materials are worked into three-dimensional art objects. The designs may be embodied in freestanding objects, in reliefs on surfaces, or in environments ranging from tableaux to contexts that envelop the spectator. Marble is a favourite material used for making sculptures.5,47620XLMarble
Metal Alloys
Sporting EquipmentSporting equipment refers to the specialized tools, gear, or apparatus used in various sports and physical activities. These items are designed to enhance performance, ensure safety, and facilitate the specific requirements of each sport. Sporting equipment can vary widely depending on the type of sport and the level of competition, ranging from basic items for recreational play to highly sophisticated gear for professional athletes. Sports Equipment are commonly used by planet residents during their leisure time.2,7525MPlastics
Metal Alloys
TobaccoTobacco is a highly addictive stimulant and is largely smoked in the form of cigarettes and cigars. While a very harmful drug, many governments have yet to make it illegal due to the lucrative nature of the product. The Teladi primarily took over the supply and distribution for more profit opportunities and many planets rely on a constant supply.6322M
Universal TranslatorsUniversal Translators are used to seamlessly translate the various languages spoken (and written) so everyone in the galaxy can understand each other. These are vital for communication and often in heavy demand.3,8761SMicrochips
Computer Components
Video GamesA video game, also known as a computer game, is an electronic game that can be interacted with using an input device, such as a controller, keyboard, or joystick. Video games can be used for entertainment and relaxation, but they can also be used for competitions and for computer learning.3,9322SPlastics