
A number of new mission types have been added to the game.

Some of these missions are available from the Guild Headquarters as guild missions, others can be found along with the existing mission.

Capture Pilot

Primarily used by the Bounty Hunters, you will need to find and apprehend the pilot and return them. This mission requires you have a Cargo Life support System installed so you can retrieve the pilot. Killing the pilot will result in mission failure. The mission is complete when you dock at the target station with the pilot in your cargo hold.

These missions will generally not lose you any notoriety against the pilots race, and they are more likely to eject so you should always be able to complete the mission.

The pilots will however set explosives on their ship as they escape so you wont be able to get a free ship out of it.

Stranded Pilot

The stranded pilot mission requires you to find an pick up a pilot whos lost their ship, and return them to the target station. As the pilot has limited air, you time will be limited to complete the mission.

You will need to Cargo Life support System installed to be able to hold the pilot in your cargo bay.

Be Warned, there may be others out there who wont take to kindly to your rescue.


The Courier mission is a Passenger Transport mission that requires you to take the passenger to multiple stations, one after the other. This mission requires you have a Cargo Life support System installed, and sometimes will require you to be in a Passenger Transport ship (TP).

Dock at the first station where the passenger is waiting. Then proceed to dock at each station in order. Wait at the station for a short while before moving only the next.

Xenon Taxi Mission

This mission is similar to the Courier mission, which is a passenger transport to multiple stations. This missions is more difficult as there are Xenon forces attempting to stop you. Unlike other passenger transport mission, this one will never actually require a Passenger Transport Ship (TP).

You will still need a Cargo Life support System so you can carry the passenger, and make sure you have some amount of weapons too.

Dock at the first station where the passenger is waiting. Then proceed to dock at each station in order. Wait at the station for a short while before moving only the next.

Military Patrol

This is a new type of patrol mission, where you will patrol with a squad, following a leader. You must stay close to the leader, if you stay to far, they will stop and wait for you (and the mission is paused). If you stay too far for too long, you may forfeit the mission. Also if you leave the patrolling sector for too long, you can also fail the mission.

The only time you can move away from the Leader is when you are given the attack order.

Multiple Ware Delivery

This mission is similar to the standard ware delivery, where you have to deliver a certain amount of wares to a station within the time limit. There will be multiple stations to deliver to, one after the other. The ware will be the same for each, but with a different quantity.


A new type of escort mission, to escort a trade through a number of sectors. Enemy ships will sometimes appear at the closest gate. These missions are usually for the Mercenaries Guild, and will often have Mercenary escorts to help you defend the trader.

When you first start the mission, there will be a timer where you need to meet your escort, just get within 6km of the target ship for the escort to start and the timer to stop. If you fail to get to the freight within the initial time limit, the mission fails.