Sector Claiming

It is possible to take over and claim other race’s sectors. Once a sector becomes Contested you can utilise diplomacy to start your own claim

Contested Sector

Currently not implemented, the Assassins Guild will create a contested sector for you to use.

Registering Claim

Sector claiming is handled by the Privateer Independence Alliance via Diplomacy. Like other diplomatic actions, you first require enough influence, in this case, with the Privateer faction. Send your agents to either a Privateer Support Station or a Privateer Supply Station to gain some influence.

Once you have enough influence, you can use the diplomacy task, Register Sector Claim.

Make sure you have enough influence in Privateer’s

Select the sector, all the available contested sectors will be displayed.

Finally, select the Privateer dock to send the agent too (it doesn’t matter which one they goto, just pick the closest to you Headquarters)

It will take a short time to complete, and your claim will be registered.

Claiming Process

Once you have made your claim, then you need to beat the other claimants. By performing certain tasks, you will get points towards the claim. Other factions will also be attempting to claim themselves.

The first faction to reach the target points will gain access to the sector.

Ways to improve your status:

  • Destroying ships/stations in contested sector. The bigger the ship, the more points you will gain.
  • Building a Trade dock (will generate points over time while its in the sector)
  • Convince a faction to support (Diplomacy)

Supporting Claim

You can convince another faction to support your claim, factions can only support a single claim.

Use Diplomacy to send your agents to the faction you want to support your claim

Select the trade dock of the faction you wish to gain support from, and then select the contested sector.

If successful, you will have to pay for the support, and you will gain a number of points towards your sector claim.

Dropping Claim

You can also use Diplomacy to convince a faction to drop their claim, removing them from the process.

This requires alot of influence, so it can only be done to factions you have good bonuses with.

Once you have enough bonuses and can afford the influence, you need to send your agent to the factions trade dock, and select the contested sector to drop the claim from.

Only the contested sectors that have the faction as one of the claimants will be shown.

Checking Status

You can use diplomacy to view your current status as well as the other claimants progress. The task is Examine Contested Sector.

Select the Contested sector to view, then select any Privateer Dock to send the agent too.

Once the agent has finished, you can then pay the administration fee of 10,000 credits to view the finished report.

Select Accept to get the report.

The report will show the progress of all the claimants


If you win, you can then claim the sector, it will become Unclaimed and you can claim via a trade dock that you build. This will give you control over the sector. If you fail to do this within a certain time, you may lose access to the sector, and it will become contested again.

You will have a grace period where you can keep the sector for a certain time before any other factions may try to contest it again.

Sector Control

Once the sector is yours, you will have a certain amount of control of the sector, including changing the name/description, and music track that plays.

These options are found in the context menu of your trade dock.