Beryll Incursion – Chapter 1

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Argon Military Service – First Assignment

If you came from the Argon Military Cadet start, you will have to wait another hour or so before your next assignment starts. This timer starts after you have an M4 or M3 ship.

You can technically use any ship you want, you just have to get into an M3/M4 once to trigger the mission to continue.

You will receive a message when its time to start your first assignment.

Head to the Trading Station in Elena’s Fortune alpha where you can rendezvous with Zeta Leader.

Pirate Patrol

Contact Zeta Leader for your next patrol mission.

This patrol will be heading out into pirate territory, good thing you upgraded your ship.

This patrol will take you into the sector Split Fire.

Protecting Trader

Shortly after entering Split Fire you will get a cutscene about a trader ship in trouble. You will need to move in to protect the trader and take out its attackers

Once all the pirates attacking the trader are delt with, continue escorting them through to Argon space.

Once you and Zeta Leader enter into argon space, Elena’s Fortune beta, the mission will be concluded.

Argon Military Service – Second Assignment

After another hour or so of waiting, you will be contacted again for your next patrol assignment.

Here we will be investigating some strange happenings as you patrol the Argon border sectors. Talk to Zeta Leader in Argon Prime delta.

This will start your next patrol mission. You will be heading towards Boron space, finishing at the sector Atreus Clouds.

Along the way, in the sector, The Hole you will come across a wreckage of a trader, you will need to move in to investigate.

Once you get close enough, you will need to scan the wreckage.

Once you get very close, around 100m, the scanning process will start. Hold position until its complete. The progress will be displayed at the bottom of the screen in the subtitle bar.

You patrol mission will then resume to Atreus Clouds.

Upon entering Atreus Clouds your patrol mission will complete, this concludes your next assignment.

Argon Military Service – Third Assignment

You will have another hour or so wait before your next assignment. This time, you will be moving to another Argon area, past some pirate sectors.

You will be heading to the Argon sector, Aladna Hill. This found another area of Argon space found to the East, past the pirate sectors. You can follow the mission guidance to get there if you haven’t yet discovered it.

Zeta Leader will be waiting for you at one of the Docks.

Continue with the Patrol, once you enter the sector, Montalaar, you will get a cutscene about ATF ships in argon space. Move in to investigate

Once you get close, the ships will jump away. From here, you need to head back to the Military Outpost in Aladna Hill.

Dock at the station and talk to Zeta Leader.

From here, the plot will diverge depend on the status of other plots.

  1. Terran Conflict – If you have yet to do the Terran Conflict Plot (or part way through)
  2. Terran Conflict – After Completing the Terran Conflict Plot
  3. Albion Prelude – Starting, or transitioning to Albion Prelude Universe State.